Yes, you can easily and comfortably carry in sweatpants with proper preparation. The bottom line is that you will need some type of holster or "pouch" carrying accessory. It's also important to be...
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If you're ready to start training for concealed carry, there's a good chance you're wondering about just how close you should be standing from your target.
Concealed carry with a shirt tucked in can be tricky and require thinking outside the box. But don’t worry as there are solutions to conveniently concealed carry with a shirt tucked in. Read our...
There are many factors that go into concealed carrying with a purse and of course pros and cons. My wife wanted to better understand different options for concealed carrying. So I started to do some...
oncealed carrying can come with a lot of benefits and peace of mind. Although It can also come with a lot of risks especially from a legal and financial standpoint. Fortunately people have the...
Are you looking to concealed carry with dress clothes? Most gun owners are very familiar with concealed carry. However, they may not know how to concealed carry in dress clothes. The...